'A silent betrayal' is a Unity game made in a week for the 1-Button Jam 2024.
This jam, as the name suggests, had the restriction that the game could only use one button. This naturally lead itself to the idea of using a telegram and morse code as an input method. With this in mind we decided to stretch ourselves outside of our comfort zone and create a game that was more narrative driven than our previous games.
At its basics 'A silent betrayal' is a branching visual novel game wrapped in a morse-code mini-game. Each message must be decoded and a decision on how to react be made and sent back via a series of dots and dashes. However, each choice has a meaningful impact on the story and how the war plays out, with a branching and looping event line that leads to different outcomes. This multilayered narrative creates a sense of unease and tension as you try to navigate the game and discover where your loyalties lie.
Im most proud of the branching event system created in the game. Each scenario has many branching paths that can loop back or lead to completely new outcomes. These events can have triggers associated with them like planes flying by or artillery firing. The choices made also lead into the dynamic battle noises in the background.
The morse code system itself was a challenge to try and make a caricature of morse code that felt good but also scaled well with a system that can generate it dynamically at runtime.
There is a tutorial in the game which always feels like an achievement to get in a game jam game!