Tag: crazywebgames



Post Zero

(A game for the crazy web game jam 2024)

Post Zero is a Unity game made in a week for the Crazy Web Game Jam 2024.

With the jams theme of 'Everything is a remix' I decided to create a game where (almost) everything could be destroyed and those components could be used to create new things. I thought this mechanic worked well with a post apocalyptic zombie survival setting.

In order to facilitate this I create several interconnected systems to allow me to quickly implement new items and interactions, these included:

  • A damage system with damage types and modifiers (e.g. fire, piercing)
  • A 'Shootable' system powering everything from the players weapons, mines or turrets
  • A 'Destructibles' system with loottables and pickups used for the environment and enemies
  • A 'Crafting' system working with the loottables to allow the player to create new items from the destroyed components

There is also an inverse kinematics system that keeps the players hands in the correct position even when changing weapons and performing differnt animations.

Overall I feel like the game has a good atmosphere and deep mechanics. However, these arent fully realised due to the time constraints of the jam.