Category: presentation



How I learned to stop worrying and love the robot overlords…

(A talk on the main stage of the 2018 IAFN conference)

I created and gave a talk about the future of AI in business to over 400 people on the main stage at the IAFN conference. At the time, most people's experience with AI was hugely limited compared to the GPT-powered world of today. Instead of diving into the technical aspects, I focused on presenting an approachable look at how we have historically interacted with technology and worked symbiotically, instead of destructively, with it. The idea was that no one is scared of Excel, but they are glad they don't need to do as many manual tedious calculations as before and can instead focus on the bigger picture.

Using humour and lots of visuals, I guided people through a brief history of technology's innovative relationship with business and how the company of tomorrow should welcome the chance to supercharge their workforce. I ended the session with a live example and demo of tools I had made to help demonstrate these ideas and that I had implemented at my workplace.

The talk was well received, and I was invited to give it at other conferences too.